A Very Berry Trifle

I have admired trifles from afar for a while now, and then my cousin told me about one she made and I was very jealous.  But as it's not a baking dessert, I generally steered clear.  Also, I didn't have a trifle dish and wasn't about to buy one for something I wasn't sure I even sure I would like.

So when we were browsing the shelves of Bed, Bath, and Beyond to register for our wedding, I somewhat sheepishly added a trifle dish.  Secretly, I think, I hoped that being a grown married woman would encourage me to make fancy desserts, like trifles.

Well being a grownup married woman didn't have much to do with it, but hosting my first book club in our first house sure inspired me.

That, and having a 10 pound box of fresh Michigan blueberries in the fridge.

It was easier than anticipated and certainly a crowd-pleaser.  It's rare when you have a group of women that every one goes up for seconds!  But I will admit I was slightly disappointed in my first adventure into trifles.  Nothing is more delicious than fresh berries covered in a light, fluffy layer of whipped cream... but I've discovered that most trifles don't fit that description.  You see, whipped cream is a little too light for the layers.

To hold up layers of angel food cake (or pound cake) and juicy berries, whipped cream doesn't quite cut it.  You need something with more density to it, such as pudding or cream cheese.  But I don't like either of those.  So, while I'm not a big fan of cream cheese in my desserts, I did use it here, and everyone else raved about it.  I'm the only weirdo :)

One last side note... you can, of course, bake your angel food cake at home.  Normally, I'm all for this.  Especially considering that a box of mix is about $1 whereas a pre-made purchased one is $5.  In this case, though, the angel food cake is immediately diced up and covered, so... make it easy on yourself and buy one!

A Very Berry Trifle
Adapted from here

1 angel food cake (made or store-bought)
2/3 cup sugar
2 blocks of cream cheese (16oz total)
2 cups heavy cream
2 pints blueberries
2 pints strawberries, sliced

  1. Cut the angel food cake into roughly 1-inch pieces and set aside.
  2. In an electric mixer, beat cream cheese and sugar until light.  Pour in heavy cream and mix until the creams are fluffy and the consitency of whipped cream.
  3. Begin your layers with half the angel food cake pieces.  Layer one set of berries over the angel food cake (the original recipe suggested blueberries, I did strawberries).  
  4. Follow up with half the cream mixture.  Dollop half of it in the center and use your spatula to smooth it around to the edges.
  5. Cover with the other set of berries (I did blueberries here; the original said strawberries).  Layer the rest of the angel food cake.**
  6. Spread the rest of cream mixture.  Layer with strawberries and/or blueberries to your liking.
  7. Best served cold so chill it in your refrigerator for a few hours before serving

Original picture from Food Network
**I ran out of room to continue layering at this point, but the original recipe called for cake, blueberries, cream, strawberries, cake, blueberries, cream, strawberry/blueberry combo.


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