A Very Berry Trifle

I have admired trifles from afar for a while now, and then my cousin told me about one she made and I was very jealous. But as it's not a baking dessert, I generally steered clear. Also, I didn't have a trifle dish and wasn't about to buy one for something I wasn't sure I even sure I would like. So when we were browsing the shelves of Bed, Bath, and Beyond to register for our wedding, I somewhat sheepishly added a trifle dish. Secretly, I think, I hoped that being a grown married woman would encourage me to make fancy desserts, like trifles. Well being a grownup married woman didn't have much to do with it, but hosting my first book club in our first house sure inspired me. That, and having a 10 pound box of fresh Michigan blueberries in the fridge. It was easier than anticipated and certainly a crowd-pleaser. It's rare when you have a group of women that every one goes up for seconds! But I will admit I was slightly disappointed in my first adv...