Chicken Dumpling Soup

It's coooold here today!  When I woke up this morning, my phone said it was 9 degrees outside.  This calls for warm comforts at home.  I spent most of the day under blankets on the couch, watching movies, and avoiding the whole outside.  Jeff was feeling a little skittish about my ideas of dinner because I made so much spicy food last night (man up, right?), so I sat down and browsed Pinterest (duh).

I discovered a recipe for chicken dumpling soup.  Maybe I should call it Cheater's Chicken Dumpling Soup, because this isn't your homemade southern style soup, but it is absolutely delicious nonetheless.  I know how to make real dumplings, but this was so easy and still so amazingly delicious.  Even if you're a soup snob, you should try it.  It's a wonderful crockpot dish that takes just about no work for you.  My friend Courtney makes something similar to this that she found on Pinterest, and it was what inspired me to try this one.

Chicken Dumpling Soup
Adapted from here

1lb boneless, skinless chicken breast
2 tablespoons butter
2 cans cream of chicken soup
14oz chicken stock
1 medium onion, diced
4 Pillsbury biscuits, uncooked (pick your favorite brand)

  1. In your crockpot, combine thawed chicken, butter, soup, onions, and chicken stock.  Cook on high for 4-6hrs or until chicken is completely cooked.
  2. Shred chicken (I pull it out of the soup and pull it all apart with two forks).
  3. Cut each of the four biscuit doughs into roughly 9 pieces each and drop into the soup.  Continue to cook on high for another hour.
  4. If you want to make it thicker, you can make a slurry here.  We did because we wanted it more like a gravy.  It's roughly 4 tablespoons of flour and 6 tablespoons of water, whisked together.  The soup is fine without it, but we like it super thick.  If you add in a slurry, give it at least an hour to continue cooking or it might taste funny.

We each ate an entire big bowl and had to put our bowls in the dishwasher to avoid eating more.  Oh, this was delicious.  Eat away, friends!


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