Cherry Crumbles

We had a ton of cherries that we just could not eat them all before they were going to go bad. I always wanted to bake with cherries, but I don't have the patience to pit them. Luckily, I have the best, most patient husband in the world, and he said he would pit 6 cups of cherries for me! Perfection! That was the right amount for my very first cherry pie, something I've wanted to do forever. But the group we were having over had a gluten-free member. She never expects anyone to accommodate her, but a life without dessert just sounds terrible, so I always try to make some dessert she can have. Seriously, I'd never go to a party if I couldn't ever have dessert. So instead, I found two similar recipes, one gluten-free. That one was supposedly with blueberries, but the topping was a sort of lemon shortbread topping, which would work just as deliciously with cherries. So I made double the amount of cherries needed for the crum...