White Cake: Simple but Delicious

Strawberry-topped version from this summer A few years ago, a friend of mine was getting married and asked if I would make cupcakes for her wedding. As an amateur baker, I was both incredibly flattered and terrified. What if people were just indulging me and my cakes were secretly garbage? What if I messed up? What if I forgot an ingredient? What if.. what if... what if! I immediately set to Pinterest to find recipes. Originally I had grand ideas of espresso frosting with chocolate cupcakes and lemon cupcakes with a light raspberry frosting. But I abandoned those ideas pretty quickly as 200 cupcakes was daunting enough without getting fancy beyond my capabilities. So I decided to do 100 white cake cupcakes and 100 chocolate cake cupcakes. I had a chocolate cake recipe , but I didn't have a quality white cupcake recipe. So to Pinterest! They turned out wonderfully, and all my "what if"s were put to rest. One of the...