Taco Soup

Jeff's work has an awesome tradition of taking turns to provide Friday lunches. Everybody who wants to participate signs up with a small group for a couple of Fridays during the year so that every Friday, one small group is providing lunch for everyone. He really enjoys it and frequently comes home to brag about the delicious food he had that week. Our recipe this week comes directly from his Friday food. Last June, Jeff came home raving about a fantastic soup he had at work that Friday, and he wanted me to make it. I have a thing about "winter food" and "summer food," so I didn't make it over the summer. But with the nice cool weather lately, I suggested we try it this week. We had the ground beef, but we were low on all the canned veggies this recipe calls for, so I hit the grocery store. Now, I like mine very savory, so I went a little heavy on the spices. The original recipe called for one packet of taco seasoning, but I used an equivile...